
Instructions for upgrading Redis Operator

Upgrading Operator

The following are strategies for safely upgrading Redis Operator from one version to another. They may require adjustment to your particular game architecture but should provide a solid foundation for updating Agones safely.

Ideally we should disable the reconcillation on all the Redis setup managed by operator. To disable the reconcillation, we need to add an annotation on all the Redis and Redis Cluster object.

For Redis standalone object:

  redis.opstreelabs.in/skip-reconcile: "true"

For RedisCluster object:

  rediscluster.opstreelabs.in/skip-reconcile: "true"

For RedisReplication object:

  redisReplication.opstreelabs.in/skip-reconcile: "true"

For RedisSentinel object:

  redisSentinel.opstreelabs.in/skip-reconcile: "true"

Upgrading with Helm

Helm features capabilities for upgrading to newer versions of Agones without having to uninstall Redis Operator completely.

For details on how to use Helm for upgrades, see the helm upgrade documentation.

$ helm install redis-operator ot-helm/redis-operator \
  --namespace ot-operators --version <desired_version>

Once upgrading activity is completed, again validate the setup by steps defined in Validation.

Upgrading with YAML

If you installed Redis Operator with install-operator.sh, we need to update the image tag version inside the deployment manifest of operator and again run the same script.

        runAsNonRoot: true
        - command:
            - /manager
            - --leader-elect
            - -zap-log-level=info
          image: quay.io/opstree/redis-operator:<desired_version>
          imagePullPolicy: Always
$ bash install-operator.sh

Last modified April 5, 2023: Documentation [ Redis Replication and Redis Sentinel ] (#465) (52c5f04)