
Configurations and parameters for Redis cluster

Redis cluster can be customized by values.yaml. The recommended way of managing the setup is using helm but if the setup is not maintained by it, YAML CRD parameters can be modified in the manifest.

Helm Configuration Parameters

Name Default Value Description
imagePullSecrets [] List of image pull secrets, in case redis image is getting pull from private registry
redisCluster.clusterSize 3 Size of the redis cluster leader and follower nodes
redisCluster.clusterVersion v7 Major version of Redis setup, values can be v6 or v7
redisCluster.persistenceEnabled true Persistence should be enabled or not in the Redis cluster setup
redisCluster.secretName redis-secret Name of the existing secret in Kubernetes
redisCluster.secretKey password Name of the existing secret key in Kubernetes
redisCluster.image Name of the redis image
redisCluster.tag v7.0.5 Tag of the redis image
redisCluster.imagePullPolicy IfNotPresent Image Pull Policy of the redis image
redisCluster.leaderServiceType ClusterIP Kubernetes service type for Redis Leader
redisCluster.followerServiceType ClusterIP Kubernetes service type for Redis Follower
externalService.enabled false If redis service needs to be exposed using LoadBalancer or NodePort
externalService.annotations {} Kubernetes service related annotations
externalService.serviceType NodePort Kubernetes service type for exposing service, values - ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer
externalService.port 6379 Port number on which redis external service should be exposed
serviceMonitor.enabled false Servicemonitor to monitor redis with Prometheus
serviceMonitor.interval 30s Interval at which metrics should be scraped.
serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout 10s Timeout after which the scrape is ended
serviceMonitor.namespace monitoring Namespace in which Prometheus operator is running
redisExporter.enabled true Redis exporter should be deployed or not
redisExporter.image Name of the redis exporter image
redisExporter.tag v1.44.0 Tag of the redis exporter image
redisExporter.imagePullPolicy IfNotPresent Image Pull Policy of the redis exporter image
redisExporter.env [] Extra environment variables which needs to be added in redis exporter
sidecars [] Sidecar container to run alongside Redis pods
nodeSelector {} NodeSelector for redis statefulset
priorityClassName "" Priority class name for the redis statefulset
storageSpec {} Storage configuration for redis setup
securityContext {} Security Context for redis pods for changing system or kernel level parameters
affinity {} Affinity for node and pods for redis statefulset
tolerations [] Tolerations for redis statefulset management

Last modified November 3, 2022: Revamped documentation for better knowledge base (#370) (f3565c1)