Redis Operator

Documentation and usage guides on how to deploy redis operator on top of Kubernetes.

Release version: 0.12.0

These pages show you how to get up and running as quickly as possible in Agones.

If you are new to Redis Operator, start with Overview to get familiar with its features and services.

The Installation guide will take you through creating a Kubernetes cluster and getting Redis Operator installed.


Redis Operator is a software to set up and manage Redis on Kubernetes.

Redis Overview

Redis is an in-memory cache and database that can be used for improving system design.


Instructions for installation of Kubernetes cluster and Redis Operator

Getting Started

Instructions for getting started on Redis and Redis cluster setup


Instructions for configuration of Redis standalone and cluster setup.

CRD Reference

Reference documentation for CRD spec of Redis and Redis cluster

Advance Configuration

Instructions for advance configuration and use-cases for Redis Operator


Monitoring of Redis standalone and cluster setup using Prometheus


How to contribute to the Redis Operator

Release History

Release versions and their description about Redis Operator

Last modified April 5, 2023: Documentation [ Redis Replication and Redis Sentinel ] (#465) (52c5f04)